The links below show electrical plans for the each floor of the house.
First Floor Electric Drawing
Second Floor Electric Drawing

As you can see on the plans above, all rooms have plenty of power outlets and all rooms have ceiling lighting. All fixtures have modern fluorescent bulbs that produce warm white light, hence they are very economical and last for years.
Besides 120 volt outlets, the garage is wired with two 240 volt outlets: 30 amp and 50 amp. There is also 50 amp 240 volt GFCI protected outlet outside at the back of the house. There are also three 15 amp 120 volt GFCI protected receptacles located at the front, back and south side of the house.
The exterior doors and the garage have light fixtures with motion sensors.
There are two fans: the one shown on the picture is in the hall combined with lighting and the other is in the dining room but can be seen on the pictures of the office.
The main electric panel is localted in the utility room. There are two subpanels: one in the kitchen and the other is again in the utility room for the tankless water heater.
All electrical house
The house is all electrical. Although gas is available at the property line, there is no gas in the house.
Advantages of all electrical house
There is no explosive suffocative gas in the house. Sleep well and know that there is no risk of an accidental gas leakage.
Besides that electricity is a cleaner energy source compared to gas, it is also maintenance free. There is no need to replace furnace filters or do cleaning.
Although heating with electricity is more expensive, there is only a single administrative, delivery, etc, miscellaneous charge from an energy provider.